The weather is gorgeous, the sun is shining, and you want to treat yourself. The farmer's market is the perfect place to expose yourself to the best local items. From fresh produce, to elegant bouquets of flowers, to unique culinary creations; the farmer's market is garaunteed to have something just for you. Least we not forget the sense of bonding and socialization for community members that it provides. There may be a talented live band, activities for the children, or a hot dj bringing the vibe on any given day. Farmer's markets offer so much to it's patrons. Additionally, it is an opportunity to build communities by giving small businesses the opportunity to showcase their services and products to a receptive audience. Plant Power Potions participated at it's first public event with a community gardening club. Then we went on to participate in our first farmer's market event with The Plant Chicago. This past year we were welcomed to participate at South Loop farmer's market Grant Park. There is something glorious about being outdoors in nature, getting to directly connect with others that makes being in business more fun than usual. We are so grateful for the opportunity to connect and the ability to experience pitfalls in this setting that allowed us to grow. Farmer's markets will forever hold a very special place in our hearts as they continue to develop many communities and businesses in our great country.
Farmer’s Market Fun
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